Teacher Introduction



Birthplace Taiwan, Taipei
Teaching expertise Elementary to Intermediate-Advanced Chinese courses, Business Chinese courses
Interests Traveling, Enjoying delicious food
Zodiac Sign Libra
Teaching Experience 8 years (4 years at TOWA)

Teacher Introduction

Hello, I'm Eva.
I have been studying Chinese teaching from university to graduate school. I've also taught short-term Chinese courses in the United States and Korea. After returning, I've been teaching Chinese for more than 3 years at different Chinese language centers. So, I have always hoped to integrate digital technology with traditional teaching methods, allowing students to have a different learning experience.
In addition, I hope that when you come to Taiwan, you can not only learn the language but also explore the diverse traditional culture. I will try my best to bring Taiwanese culture into my Chinese classes and share it with students. I hope students can personally experience these unique traditions.
I enjoy creating a relaxed and lively atmosphere in the classroom. I also love to be friends with my students. Chinese courses are composed of learners from different countries around the world. Therefore, besides learning Chinese, students can exchange different cultural experiences, discovering the characteristics and differences of various cultures. I find this aspect to be the most valuable and rewarding.


我覺得學習一門新的語言最重要的就是要多說多練習,而在東禾,最棒的就是會不定期的舉辦language corner,讓外國學習者能和在這裡學習其他語言的台灣人交流,增加語言的練習機會,真正地走出教室,認識更多的台灣人,是不是很有趣呢?來台灣學華語,選東禾就對了!我在東禾等你喔!